Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Project Idea

I would like to do a project with two parts. First, I would like to explore open-sourced project for teachers. Start to finish, I would like to demonstrate on three different terminals how two kinds of Linux--Ubuntu and Slackware--including presentation software, word processing software, full internet functionality, video and audio editing, and note-taking. Google Docs especially interests me, and I will explain current work in teaching with Google Docs, where students help create, compile, edit, and revise course texts, and bring those texts up to date as time passes.

In the same spirit, I will speak to the current condition of Creative Commons licensing. My belief is that it will change the way academics publish, the way students study, and the way performing arts are taken in.

These two fields are quit interrelated, and they are mentioned often in our course texts, particularly in Lessig and Jekins. Rhetorics and Technology opens with a discussion of Creative Commons licensing, and What Video Games Have to Teach Us involves both subjects.

This will be both a traditional academic essay and a diary of my "field work" on the computers to which I have access. With luck, I will post screenshots, technical difficulties, and even video on this blog or another site. I will try to integrate my open source project, full texts available on-line, and weekly class presentations for a Literature/Theory class I currently teach from only hard-copy texts.

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